Hodson's Colombian Adoption Journey

This blog will document our journey in beginning our family through a Parent-Initiated Adoption from ICBF in Colombia. We will mark the stages and key events along the way as well as blog frequently from Colombia after we receive the call of our lives.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Not Goodbye, but....

Hasta Luego, Bogota... we will be back!
Well, we did receive Gabriela's visa today without any problems and we are pretty much all packed up. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate a) with a baby and b) living in a foreign country for nearly 2 months. Let's just say we are going home with more bags than we came with but that's ok because we are coming home with something so special none of the rest matters anyway.

For Halloween Gabriela was "Minnie Mouse", well she at least had the ears. We didn't have too much time for shopping for a costume for her but when we did we didn't have much luck finding anything small enough for her. So she was an adorable Minnie and although they do celebrate Halloween here she'll have to wait till at least next year before we are able to take her out trick or treating. It just wasn't possible this year with everything we needed to get done, not to mention it would have been 100% for us and not for her so we easily decided to skip it this year. We had to get busy getting ready to come HOME!!!!!!

We are finishing up packing the carry on and then it's off to sleep hopefully. We are leaving the hotel around 6 in the morning and we'll be seeing some of you just after 6pm tomorrow night!!!! We can't beleive that we are finally coming home and although we are a little nervous about the flights and everything we are just so excited that this is finally happening.

So good night Bogota, we'll see you in the morning and we'll see you again soon.


  • At 7:30 AM, November 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, you guys have probably already started your journey home (at least to the airport by now!..not sure of the time difference) I'm so excited for you 2 to be bringing Gabriela home! I know it will be sad to leave Bogota, but the joy you have to look forward to is amazing as you get settled back at home! I'm sure Gabriela will do great on the flight as she seems to be such a sweet, happy baby! I look forward to talking to you!


  • At 12:44 PM, November 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your probably already in the air and on your way home - so since you will not see this till you are back in your house....

    Welcome Home!

    Tia Beth

  • At 9:02 PM, November 01, 2006, Blogger amyjett said…

    well, i am back --- and it sounds like, so are you :) i hope your trip ws safe and easy. i will call you thursday in hopes of stopping by for a few hugs :)


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